CVTA Membership Application

Name: __________________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________________


Home Phone: (__________)___________________________________________

Work Phone:  (__________)___________________________________________

Mobile Phone:  (__________)__________________________________________

Email Address for Newsletter Delivery: _______________________________________

V.T. Program Attended/Year Graduated: ______________________________________

Employed By: ______________________________________________________

If you would like to add the email of your clinic/workplace, please list below:


Type of Membership – Please circle option(s) below (Dues are to be renewed every SEPTEMBER. A $5.00 late fee will be assessed after November 30th.):

Full Membership (Registered/Certified Veterinary Technician in the State of Ohio) $15.00

New Vet Tech Graduate (Full membership at a discounted rate) $10.00

Affiliate Membership (Degreed/Registered Veterinary Technician that is in a State other than Ohio) $15.00

Associate Membership (Unregistered Veterinary Technician or Hospital office Staff) $10.00

Late Fee (Dues paid after November 30th of the current membership year)     Add $5.00

Make all checks payable to: CVTA

Mail to: CVTA Treasurer c/o Ashley Berry 9536 West Ave., Blue Ash, Ohio 45242